Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hello AGain!

Hey guys - I havent blogged in awhile.  The evenings have been crazy busy for me.  Then we had Lucy's birthday party, and then Lucy and I have both been sick!

Anyway, I am DOWN 8.2 pounds!

I have had good days and bad days, but luckily the good outweigh the bad :-)

I am hoping to get back on track with my exercising this week  since I am feeling better.

Additionally, my biggest accomplishment by far has been going from drinking 5-6 sodas per day to only 1-2!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 6 - September 25, 2010

Phew - this is starting to get difficult for me!  From the beginning I did say that I would be a bit more lax on weekends, but still try to not go overboard.  I think being home makes me want to munch more and I don't drink as much water.  Overall, I did not do too hard, but I did go over my calorie allowance slightly.

Breakfast:  Bagel-ful
Lunch:  Garlic pasta shells
Dinner:  Sloppy Joes & rotini and cheese
Snacks: Lays Potato chips
Drinks:  3 Diet Dr. Pepper and 4 glasses of water

Exercise:  60 minutes of moderate cleaning (which burns more calories than I thought!)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 5 - September 24, 2010

I forgot to post my menu and exercise yesterday - OOPS!

Yesterday was a good day and bad day.  I lost 4 pounds - YAY- but I also worked from home, which generally means I munch more often.  I did go over my calorie allowance slightly.  And for some reason, I was extremely hungry by 5pm and could barely wait for dinner.

Breakfast:  Bagel-ful & Carnation Instant Breakfast Sugar Free
Lunch:  Lean Cuisine frozen meal
Dinner:  Chicken enchiladas and mashed potatoes
Snacks:  Fiber One 90 calorie granola bar, another bagel-ful
Drinks:  3 Diet Dr. Peppers and 8 glasses of water

Exercise:  40 minutes on Gazelle

Friday, September 24, 2010

Weigh in Day!


Today was my first weigh in day.  Well, I weighed myself Monday morning for my "starting weight" so it has really only been 4 full days of diet and exercise... but I wanted Fridays to be my regular weigh in day.  So this morning I step on the scale and viola:  


Hip Hip Hooray!

Now, I know this is mainly water weight being shed and that every week will not be this level of loss.  But for now, it was great motivation that all my hard work is paying off!  

I will post today's menu and exercise in another post later today.

Day 4 - September 23, 2010

Today was a good day!  I only drank 1 soda all day, upped my water intake, and didn't feel as hungry as I have the previous few days.  I am starting to notice that I am sleeping better and have more energy.

Here is what I ate today:
Breakfast:  2 cups strawberries
Lunch:  Campbell's Harvest Select Light - Italian Style veggie soup, 1 plain bagel
Dinner:  2 pieces of cheese pizza
Snacks:  1 cheese stick, 1 fruit cup, 1 T vanilla icing

Exercise:  15 minutes on Gazelle.  I really wanted to do my normal 30 minutes but I had an extremely needy little boy last night.

Tomorrow is weigh in day... I am so nervous and excited all at the same time :-)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 3 - September 22, 2010

Day three is done!  Phew!

Today was not too bad.  However, I did find myself facing temptation shortly after lunch.  I walked by our "food cube" at work and saw some mini Hershey bars.  MMMM... chocolate :-)  I walked by the desk, sat in my chair still thinking about the Hershey Bar, opened my email and saw an email from an old MOPS friend.  She was just giving me a bit of encouragement for my journey.  Talk about perfect timing!  I immediately forgot about the Hershey bar and went to refill my water!

I did a bit of research today and found several different types of frozen meals and soups that are very low calorie.  I am going to stock up on some this weekend.  I have found that I do better when I eat very low calorie meals for breakfast and lunch, and then a bit more for dinner.  It gives me motivation throughout the day to hold out for a good dinner.

Today I ate

Breakfast:  1 cup of mixed fruits (strawberries, pineapple, grapes, and cantaloupe)
Lunch:  Healthy choice frozen meal and 2 cups of strawberries
Dinner:  2 slices of pizza and 3 bread sticks
Snacks:  Mozzarella cheese stick
Drinks:  3 Diet Dr. pepper and 6 glasses of water

Exercise:  30 minutes on Gazelle

Day 2 - September 21, 2010

Today was much easier than yesterday!  After only 2 days, I am already starting to feel better and have more energy.  Maybe it's psychological - but who cares!  I was able to work from home this afternoon, which usually means I have a couple of snacks throughout the day.  Not today!  I had breakfast, lunch, and dinner and that's it!  I was also able to do a workout while on a break from working... and did another one later that night at my normal time.  Hoping Day 3 will be just as smooth :-)

My lower stomach is a dull-achy and I am taking that as a sign that my workouts are working.  For tomorrow I am going to work really hard at getting the appropriate amount of water intake.

Here is what I ate today:

Breakfast:  1 cup of mixed fruit (strawberries, pineapple, grapes, and cantaloupe)
Lunch:  Healthy choice meal
Dinner:  2 slices of cheese pizza and 1 bread stick
Snacks:  no snacks again today!
Drinks:  2 Diet Dr. Pepper's and 4 glasses of water

Workout:  45 minutes on Gazelle